Empowering the art community, one connection at a time.

Through the integration of social networking features, Artfeed offers art enthusiasts a more immersive experience to help discover and connect with in-demand artists, validated by industry professionals.

Elevate your art experience

Artfeed is a social network exclusively dedicated to the art community. You will benefit from a more immersive experience of discovering new artists, connecting with the inspirations behind their art and following the artists’ progression.

Discover your next masterpiece

Artfeed has been designed to connect artists with art enthusiasts, based not only on their artwork but the feeling their artwork evokes. We believe that establishing an emotional connection with the artist and their stories helps you to better connect with their art.

Leave the vetting to us

Artfeed will feature in-demand artists vetted by a panel of industry experts, ensuring a consistently strong calibre of artists and artwork. We will do the vetting, so you don’t have to.